Monday, May 19, 2014

The Pursuit of Happyness is Alive in Mexico

The Pursuit of Happyness

This past week I was reading about Noah and found out several great things about that story.
I had always thought that they had brought 2 of every animal. Genesis says he took 7 of the clean ones and 2 of the unclean.

Adam lived on the new American continent. 

Noah took the animals from here to the "old world," which, in that time, was the "new world." Yep, it’s blowing my mind too. The flood was a baptism, which unless done by certain religions, would be more than just a sprinkling rain and would have to be a complete cleansing. Genesis says it killed all the animals, reptiles, and birds. Wait for it - then in Ether it says that the family of Jared took the animals from the "new world to the old world" to repopulate it.  Crazy right?  So, does that mean that all the species here and in South America are just an evolved type of what they took over? Or was it really not a complete flood? Why did they not bring all the animals back?  Crazy stuff right?

Also, the Book of Mormon says that King Lamoni was silent for an hour in their time. So, this is not necessarily 60 minutes. When did we start using 60 minutes as an hour and why?  The year wouldn’t change because it is one turn around the sun which always takes 365 days (plus leep day). And a day always takes 24 hours to turn. But months have changed. Before the Roman Empire there were 10 months and then July (Julius) and August (Augustus) came into the picture. ???
Where did Alma (the father) receive his priesthood??

One man that recently was converted in the ward was a professional marksman back in the day but he didn’t wear ear protection, so now he can’t hear. So when we teach him we write on a notebook. I love the guy. He read the Book of Mormon in a month and is now eating through the Doctrine & Covenants.  

I am learning to navigate the new companionship.

I ate a Fig this week; first in my life - not even close to those Fig Neutons.

They have something that is called mineral water here but really is just carbonized water.  Yuck! It has surprise attacked me several times after buying what I thought was normal water. The worst!

haha I’m dying seeing the picture of Meg’s feet.
Hey - sorry I got’s to head and I didn’t really tell you much about my week.
Love you!


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