Monday, May 6, 2013

Why Do We Fall?

"Why do we fall Master Wayne? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."  Alfred (British Accent) 


Hey thanks for that talk last week on Faith. I read it twice and thought it was fantastic. It is hard to find the correct balance of studying Spanish and talks and scrips in English. I want to do it all, just not enough time in the day.  But ya - I like his analysis of those who think "the church is a crutch."  Ha - you look at the success of so many of the members and that really discredits that idea.  But what I really loved was the idea of the two separate dimensions:  faith and reason.  I had previously associated the word "believe" with faith and knowledge with reason. So I really enjoyed how he articulated his point.   

Will the stud a hall of fame man.   Gosh I’m proud of that guy.   A quote from Will that I have thought about a bit was from a day we were skiing and he said "I like it when I fall throughout the day, because it means I have been hitting the hills hard and giving it my all."  No fear to fall cause of associated pain or teenagers above on the lift yelling "yard sell."  Rather the desire to improve, even at cost. 

This week we had our first baptism.  Her name is Maria. She has a son by the name of Hido. He is on a mish right now and that led her to baptism.  President Uchdorf talked in conference about the Africans and said something that applies to so many here as well.  "They are a people with so little of that which matters least and so much of that which matters most."   I wish I could record part of our lessons and make a video to send to you. 

Our Bishop’s name is Field. He and his family are very excited about life and have done well financially. They are louder people and when I first got here I thought there were a bit too loud. But I have really enjoyed my time with this family (the jar of peanut butter helped) and I have been very grateful for how hard he has worked with us and the ward members. We now have 20 more in church than when I arrived.  We almost can’t fit more in the chapel.  He took us to lunch and a young boy with tattered clothing walked in.  I know that begging can be a dirty business in some places, such as shown by the movie Slumdog Millionaire  where a jerk rounds up a bunch of children and injures a few to increase the pity card and send them out to collect for him with little in return. Also, part of me thinks the beggars could do more to pursue a real job. So, I never know if I should give. But this little guy came over and the bishop gave him money for a cookie.   This brought a huge smile and a mouth filled with a chocolate thank you.  The bishop then said a "dollar for a smile, always worth it."  Then as a side note he said: "at least he had shoes." I barely caught it and asked him what he meant. He responded with a story of how he grew up with a mother, no father, 8 siblings and no money. That meant he was on the street begging. He didn’t have a college education but worked hard and started a pharmaceutical company.  Respect.
They don’t celebrate Cinco de mayo here, which is funny.  I was talking to an elder today that had a tough comp in his first area, which also is an area that has the reputation of  being the hardest area. It is called The Ranches.  This is out in the boonies with houses very far apart. There is a lot of hitch hiking and dust. Not much food and a lot of happy people. I want it as my next area. But this elder described how his first comp would use his money to buy expensive clothing when they came into town and he would watch TV with the members and not work. This elder lost a bunch of weight and finally called the President who showed up real quick and gave the elder a piece of his mind. Ha. Anyway, I calculated our living expenses with food, clothes for the mission, MTC time and I came up with $3,000 if they would let me use moms’ flight benefits - a little less than the real cost, but thanks a ton for your support.      

Also, will you thank Holly and Bryan a bunch for the books they gave me for Christmas: Jesus the Christ, Our Heritage, and Search for Happiness.  The books have great insights and I feel very uplifted by them.  Also, give Henry my congrats on SBO.

I am buying a camera today with the debit card. So pics by the handful next week. 





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